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Brendon Burchard Presents:
High Performance GPS!

Watch Brendon film this entire online course LIVE, for free! Agenda below!

Refresh this page at Noon/12pm Pacific on Monday, and Brendon will be here LIVE. No, this is not a pre-recorded session. During this 3-day live event, Brendon will teach you advanced strategies for personal achievement. He’ll also conduct Q&A and give away prizes. Post any questions you have for him below.

Sorry, no replay – so attend LIVE! Why no replay? This LIVE broadcast will later be sold as a new online course for hundreds of dollars. You attend free, one-time only, while we’re live. So download the agenda and watch free!

Want a text reminder? If you are a U.S. resident and would like mobile text reminders when we start, text “@getbrendon” to this number: 81010. Your standard text message rates may apply.
