Learn the 3 beliefs that are necessary for achieving long term success.
Find What’s Necessary to Leave Your Comfort Zone for Good
This is a MUST WATCH episode about WHY you should leave your comfort zone and how to use necessity as a tool to finally make that change!
Double Down on the Good You Do
This episode is all about the importance of doing GOOD in this world, whether it's through volunteering to support causes that matter to us, speaking up to promote positivity instead of divisiveness, or even by sharing your work and message more consistently and authentically. Our world needs you now more than EVER.
How to Play the Long Game (and Avoid Burnout)
This is a MUST WATCH episode about how to achieve excellence over the long term (and avoid burning out in the process!)
Day 1: Transformation Week (Get Clarity!)
How to Relieve Imposter Syndrome
Here's how to relieve Imposter Syndrome (and start serving from your most authentic sense of self)!
Lessons Learned in 2018
In this training, I share my biggest personal and professional lessons learned in 2018 (and how we can have an abundant 2019!)
This Dream Needed Patience
This episode is all about how to have patience with your dream (and what it took to launch The High Performance Planner)!
The Courage to Let Go
Here's how to let go of what's happened in the past, so that you can find more COURAGE in the present (and live your most vibrant life)!
The Self-Perception Problem
Here's how to overcome the self-perception problem! It's the best path for understanding yourself (and your FULL growth potential).