High Performance Habits: Excerpts

High Performance Habits: Necessity Excerpt
High Performance Habits Chapter Excerpt: Performance Necessity
Some background information before the excerpt….
Hopefully by now, you’ve heard I have a new book coming out. It’s called High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way. It comes out September 19th, but is available for pre-order with some AMAZING bonuses right now… you can get the deluxe audibook, a professional performance assessment,

Defeat into Success
Defeat is inevitable! Let’s not pretend it doesn’t happen. The magic of life is learning to turn disappointment into learning and fuel for taking the next right action.
Here’s how to transform a defeat into momentum:
#1. Allow and Learn. Accept that it happened, and allow yourself a moment to feel disappointed. It’s ok to have higher standards for yourself and when you don’t hit them,

Beyond The Comfort Zone

Reaching for Greatness

Overcoming Insecurity

4 DUMB THINGS WE SAY (that prevent our growth)

How to Stick to Your Word (Integrity!)