Knowing When It’s Time to Quit on Somebody

High Performance Habits – New Book by Brendon Burchard
It’s coming! Two years in the making.
High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way. Coming Spring 2017.
More soon…
– Brendon

Secrets to Developing Emotional Mastery

What To Do When You’re Broke

How to Believe in Yourself

5 Ways to Overcome Adversity

How to Deal with Negative People
You can’t always just “get rid of” negative people. Sometimes they are your family, friends, coworkers, lovers. People have bad days. Even you.
So, if you can’t rid someone from your life, how do you deal?
Negative people will always be around, so here’s some ideas to help you deal with them:
- Use their energy. Use this experience as a personal challenge to stay centered and remain in charge of your own energetic and emotional levels.

4 Keys to High Performance
Brendon defines “high performance” as “succeeding beyond standard norms over the long-term.” In other words, consistently performing at your best.
Brendon will be teaching this topic at his upcoming High Performance Academy event in San Diego. For ticketing information, visit HPA.Brendon.com
To be able to reach high performance, you have to master these four areas of your life:
- Psychology.

Simple Time Management Rules
Time management is ultimately about working a vision backwards into strategic and scheduled chunks of time and tasks.
It’s about yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals. Easy, right?
Well, don’t overcomplicate it. Strip everything away. Get back to the basics and stay focused on just a few essentials. Remember, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Watch the video above for the full lesson so that you can continue living #TheChargedLife!