Find What Feels Good For You


  • “What feels good to me is a slow morning. How simple is that? How controllable is that? Even if there’s chaos, there’s a lot going on, I can find my moments.”
  • You have to find what feels good to you – maybe it’s a productive morning, maybe it’s a slow morning. In this episode, learn how to start your day off on the right foot so that you can be centered, calm, and intentional.
  • “People use the excuses versus making the plans. I need you to make the plans.”
  • There will always be something going on in your life, but instead of making excuses, make a plan and follow through. You’ll feel better and live life with more intention.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.
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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of The Brendon Show. Please note that this episode, like all TBS episodes, features Brendon speaking extemporaneously–he is unscripted and unedited. Filmed in one take, The Brendon Show has become one of the most viewed unscripted, direct-to-camera self-help series in the history of YouTube. It has also been the #1 Podcast in all of iTunes and is regularly in the top podcasts in the Self-Help and Health categories around the globe. Subscribe to the free motivational podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.)

1. Calm, Slow Mornings

You have to find what feels good for you. You have to figure it out. My friend, Adriene, who teaches, you know, Yoga With Adriene, someone I just love, I just – one of the great original, you know, big online yoga teachers. Just an amazing, amazing person. Her, I think her whole brand was like, “find what feels good,” I love that. And it’s a very common saying in health circles, but I feel like a lot of people don’t run in health circles. And so what feels good for you? Like, what feels good for you? Like, genuinely feels good: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You need to journal about that. What feels good to me in my health practices? So, I’ll give you some of mine because I want to make this tactical as well. For me, what feels good for me, personally and it’s not the same for everyone. What feels good for me, as an example: is a calm, slow morning. I’m … I’m pretty dumb in the morning. I’m slow to rouse in the morning. I like to, you know, kind of shuffle around the house, you know, get a tea or coffee. Yeah, I know you’re like, you drink coffee now? I’m like, I do usually half-caffeinated, maybe mostly decaf. But once in a while … I went on a trip to France and they had that espresso, and I just oh, my gosh, it ruined me. I think I went 36, 37 years of my life without any coffee. Anyway, it’s now it’s the flavor. It’ll sit down with the – with my book, a little piece of paper, or my journal and just like a slow morning. A slow morning is great for my mental health. That’s for me, right?

My wife is the opposite. She’s incredible! By like, by like 10 AM, she has done more than most humans in a decade. I don’t know how she does it. Shout out to Denise. It needs like … like one of the most amazing … like she can, she wakes up and a list of things download into her brain and she just starts going at them. It’s unbelievable. Talk about a morning person. I – me, my mom the opposite. My dad, he, boy he could … he was ready up and go to work because he’s in the military all his life. Biologically, we all have different rhythms, don’t we? Right? Some of those are conditioned and we create, some of that is how we are. I think I conditioned my slow morning because I like it.

What feels good to me is a slow morning. How simple is that? How controllable is that? Even if there’s chaos, there’s a lot going on, I can find my moments, which we’ll talk about. I can find my moments to recalibrate and reset, even if it’s hectic and crazy because there are people around the house or something’s going on.

Still, I got to make sure that that morning finds those moments of calm and peace, and intention for myself. Otherwise, it can really frazzle out a lot of the day. So that feels good to me.

2. Get Good Sleep

Also, what feels good for me is sleep. I … we can’t have a conversation without this. If you have never done hard work to figure out exactly how you can have your best night of sleep on a recurring basis, there’s almost nothing more we would need to talk about than you doing that alone.

Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night for all humans all around the world is vital.

People always say, no, no, no, Brendon, you don’t understand. I can do 6 hours. And I’m like, yes, you can. And you have no idea how much more effective and happy you would be with more. But I can get away with this or you do understand this or this time going on, or I just had the kids with it. I’m like, no, trust me, I understand. I’ve been doing this and teaching this for 20 years. I’ve had all the conversations. There’s no surprise you’re going to throw at me about sleep. What happens, though, is people use excuses versus making the plans. I need you to make the plans. I need you to make the plans. Very key. I need you to make the plans.

So, what is your plan for having great sleep? And sometimes it sucks. I get it. It’s like you feel like you just can’t even get a break, you know? There’s life, there’s intensity, there are things, there are people, there’s family, there’s all that, you know? I get it. And you got to figure that piece out for you. I love sleep. It feels good to me, so I try to protect it.

3. Planning

What else? Find, find what feels good. Do you know what feels good for me? Planning. Planning. If you look at my, my GrowthDay, my plan, it’s full. It’s filled out with plans and deadlines and reminders. If you look next to my computer, there are all these checklists written down. Like I … And by the way, I don’t naturally do that. I actually don’t like planning. I love the mental and emotional effects of planning. Does anyone follow that one? Yeah, you guys see, right? That’s the difference-maker for me. I don’t like the act of sitting down and doing it. It’s not like I find tons of joy in organizing my life. I just don’t.

I love the mental clarity, the peace, and the progress that comes from making plans. Write down your goals. Write down your deadlines. Identify your projects. Know you need to reach out to. Know who you’re waiting on. Know what your priorities are for the day.

If you need any advice on this, in GrowthDay, remember you can go to the Learn section. You can smash the Watch Past Events, and you can watch an entire month of training on Productivity. You can go to your Courses and watch an entire training on the habit of productivity from the world’s number one, you know, I’m sorry, the world’s largest research study on high performance habits. That High Performance Habit Builder course that you have unlocked in the Course section of your app. Just go to the Learn section, go to Courses and you can see High Performance Habit Builder. There’s a whole section just on productivity.

Productivity isn’t done just to get ahead and succeed. It’s because you feel better when you organize your life, better when you lead life and live life with more intention. When you have a little bit more clarity, you feel better. Strip away someone’s clarity, their intention, their connection with what they need to do today and misery sets in over time. We just know it. With no connection to our intention in our future, we feel less motivated and good today. That’s why the plan is so important for me.

4. Maintain a Healthy Diet

What else feels good to me? Fewer carbs, you know? I love to eat them. I don’t like the feeling afterward. I love to eat them. The feeling afterward does not align with my energetic vision, right? So, I would be a person who, my natural tendency would like to give me all the potato chips, give me all the pizza, give me all the bad food 24/7, but the effect of it doesn’t align with my energetic vision. And I know when I do those things and I feel terrible the next day, it’s so out of alignment with what I want energetically in my life, my self-respect goes down, I get down and I’m less productive, and happy. Does that make sense? The very key to understanding. The very key to understanding. That’s for me. Again, I’m sharing my things.

Another thing I know feels good for me because people always ask, I’m like massive amounts of water and electrolytes every day. Like, I really believe most people are so dehydrated, that they have no idea that most headaches, for example, are tied to dehydration. Most people have no idea that their physical stiffness and inflammation happens because they do not have enough water go through their body. A lot of people are so dehydrated and they’re shocked when you’re just like, drink some more water, like really? And they start doing it and they’re like, this changed my life, oh my god! And now they have, like, fancy little bottles all around the house and they carry them along with them, you know?

I think it’s important that most people realize how critical hydration is to their lives.

So I have to learn that. I also know that what feels good to me is a body that’s not inflamed by a terrible diet or things that I drink or consume. That increases inflammation. As inflammation goes up, fatigue goes up. As inflammation goes up, weight goes up. As inflammation goes up, life expectancy goes down. Like, you want to find one or two main culprits of disease in our health physically: inflammation. A high inflammation diet kills you sooner. So, we had to figure out like, okay, we have to study. Like, what is the things that inflamed my body that’s partially knowing what you might be allergic to, right? Your food allergies as an example, but also just the basics of understanding certain things that you eat or consume tends to elevate your level of inflammation. And if you don’t know what those are, see a dietitian, or nutritionist, go read some books, watch some videos on YouTube about anti-inflammation diets and you’ll see it completely changes your life. It did for me.

4. Supplementation

Another thing that works for me is supplementation. So, I take supplements every day that help me with focus and energy and I do that, as many of you know, for my condition. I had a brain injury and a traumatic brain injury took a long time to heal from it. And I use supplementation to increase oxygenation blood flow and help me maintain focus, maintain my energy mentally. And so that was important to me. You have to find out what’s important to you. I had medical expertise supporting me in finding that. I didn’t want to take a bunch of, you know, prescriptions. I just wanted to find out natural supplementation that could help me. And I did that. So, I have a lot of adaptogenic herbs as an example to help me stay a little more focused and deal with stress. That supports me. You have to find out what supports you. I also believe, that if you haven’t optimized your supplementation yet, you haven’t even started the health journey. Say that again, if you hadn’t figured out how to optimize your supplementation, you have even started your health journey because you wouldn’t know what to supplement with unless you explored your own diet, your nutrition, and your energetic goals.