Learn Faster And Get Perspective from Others


  • “That is the secret of the world’s most successful. They are surrounded by people who are also on the path of personal and professional development. They’re around people who love this advanced learning. They have surrounded themselves with people who are also on the growth journey, and that keeps lifting them up when they’re discouraged, that keeps leveling up the demand when they might be more apathetic.”
  • Do you want to further your career, improve an area of your life, or learn a new skill? In this episode, listen to strategies to learn faster by befriending the masters and asking tons of questions.
  • When you are learning something and you simultaneously have to explain it to another person, it reconfigures in your brain. It makes your brain understand the concept and then communicate and express it. It simplifies it.”
  • If you want to accelerate your learning and surround yourself with a community of high performers, then this episode is for you! Learn how to seek coaching, get perspective, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. That is how you grow!
  • Watch the video to get the full training.
  • Already have the High Performance Planner and CRUSHING each and every day? Let’s celebrate you! Take a photo with your planner and use #GrowthDay so we can find you on social media!


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[The following is the full transcript of this episode of Motivation With Brendon Burchard. Please note that this episode, like all episodes, features Brendon speaking extemporaneously–he is unscripted and unedited. Filmed in one take, Motivation With Brendon Burchard has become one of the most viewed unscripted, direct-to-camera self-help series in the history of YouTube. It has also been the #1 Podcast in all of iTunes and is regularly in the top podcasts in the Self-Help and Health categories around the globe. Subscribe to the free motivational podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.)

1. Join Communities to Learn More

You want to accelerate learning, accelerate with coaching and community. Get perspective, get feedback in anything you’re trying to do though, anything you’re trying to do. If you’re trying to further your career, get a business coach. You’re trying to – you’re trying to, you know, further, this specific skill set, get a tutor. But getting coaching, coaching is valuable. It speeds up learning by 2x because you get feedback, right? There’s only so much you can do on yourself. But then when you get that feedback from somebody, it just is – it’s the big accelerator. In the other accelerators community, if you’re trying to learn something, join a discord group on it, join a Circle on it, join a community on it, join a Facebook group on it.

Get around people talking about it, who are passionate about it, who are obsessive about it, who are sharing insights about it. Study. Study. Study.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

I’ll give you an example: everyone was like, Brendon, how did you learn AI? You know, I can have a conversation in artificial intelligence with probably the top ten people in the world right now, three of them I’m working with. And, you know, everyone was like, how did you learn that? My – all my friends are like you never studied any of that stuff in school. You didn’t go to MIT. I mean, you’re a dumb kid from Montana. I’m like, I know. But you know what I did? I belong to a lot of communities where people are studying this and I’ve been studying them and watching them in these forums for three years, reading every post they have in these forums on Reddit or now in Discords or other platforms. I’m like paying attention to what are they saying. What are they talking about? Not being a master at just learning, just observing. What are they all talking about? What are they excited about? What’s the language they’re using? What are their goals? What are they saying works? What are they saying doesn’t work? Just being part of the community, asking tons of questions. Hey, guys, I’m new to the community. I don’t understand what you mean. Can someone explain to me, like, I’m new? And just so you know, I probably type that into the Internet seven times a week for 15 years. Not kidding you. In different forums, different groups, and different communities I join. Hey, I’m sorry. I don’t understand. Can you explain what that means to me? I don’t know how to do – what, what does that mean? That’s – I typed in: I’m sorry. What does that mean? What does payment flow mean? Oh, okay. Hey, I’m sorry. What does that mean? Customer acquisition or activation? Oh, okay. I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean when you say this line on a PNL, what does that mean? Being part of these communities taught me all of that. Right? And then I accelerate. I hire – I get a high-performance coach, I get a coach in language learning, I get a coach in presentation, I get a coach on stage speaking, I get a coach on …

So, getting coaches or being in community or conferences or seminars, that networking accelerates it all because it gives other inputs,

Instead of one input, a book, I get inputs from dozens of different places, and that speeds up and accelerates the learning and nothing will accelerate your learning – you all know this. Many of you had to learn how to run a marathon. If you – if you go learn how to run a marathon, you don’t just start pounding the pavement yourself. Usually, you start running with the group. Why? Running with the group advances your ability to run a marathon by 7x, which leads to the last reality and the last scientific fact about learning. 

3. Mentor Others

Do you want to learn better? Mentor others, teach others, coach others, influence or inspire others.

There is no question about this in all of the expertise-gaining literature that those who teach the thing that they are learning as they’re going rapidly accelerate their performance, why? Because they’re forced to. Right? Like when, when you are learning something and you simultaneously have to explain it to another person, it reconfigures your brain. It makes your brain understand the concept and then communicate and express it. It simplifies it. It’s almost like a filter for learning. And so if you’re learning French, simultaneously, as you’re learning French, teach somebody French, right? Like, here’s what I learned in French today. Won’t you learn along with me? As you learn it and you express it or teach it, coach it or mentor it, your capabilities and your competency go levels way beyond. If – I always tell, I always tell – I’m just – really great example actually that billionaire I was sharing with you we’re working with, their kids, two of them, pretty young, had not learned how to swim yet and they had them in separate schedules of swim practice. I said, no, no, no. We got to get those kids in the same swim practice. And one was slightly ahead of the others. I’d say, we got to have the other kid coaching this kid on what they’re learning in their practice. We accelerated them so far, that they were like even their swim coach was blown away. Like Brendon, have you worked with a lot of Olympians in swimming? I said, no, not – that’s usually not my space there. I’ve worked with them on mindset stuff. But he’s like, you’ve never taught them how to swim or taught – you never did, you know, lap trials and stuff like that? No, but I knew if you put the kids in there and they have to learn together and explain it to each other, they’ll learn faster. Blown away.

4. Take Turns Teaching Each Other

Pair people up. Have one person learning, one person teaching – one person teaching, and vice versa. And the learning goes faster. Some of you have become Certified High Performance Coaching coaches. It’s why in certification week, sometimes I make you the coach and sometimes I make you the client. Sometimes I make you the observer.

By playing all the roles, you see it and conceptualize it from different angles. Now you accelerate the learning.

It’s how we accelerate our coach’s processes, right? So, think about how can you mentor others. So, if you can understand these concepts we talked about today, I promise you, I promise you can get better at anything, anything. And that is the secret of the world’s most successful. They are surrounded by people who are also on the path of personal and professional development. They’re around people who love this advanced learning. They have surrounded themselves with people who are also on the growth journey, and that keeps lifting them up when they’re discouraged, that keeps leveling up the demand when they might be more apathetic. That’s what levels them up to a higher level of service because they see other people because that’s what I’m always saying, when, when you get people who are into self-improvement, you start finding people who are into social contribution. The people who really want to change the world, got there because they knew they had to change themselves first. They were willing to do the work to change themselves, and they did personal and professional development which helped them realize they could also develop communities, they could also develop countries, and they could also help people become better. You want to change the world. You got to change your life. Change your life, though, isn’t a solo gig. If you want to be advanced at it, stay in GrowthDay, stay in this community, and participate in our challenges, and our communities. Bring your friends or your family, and your team into GrowthDay, or at least in your conversations about what you’re learning. Teach them what you’re learning in GrowthDay. Have the conversations to keep accelerating your learning in this space. We always say it: every day is a great day to grow. Now you know how to grow faster.